Monday, August 8, 2011


Goodbye Reno,
I have two days left here in Reno, Nevada and it is bittersweet. I'm running around my room trying to pack my life up and I feel like I'm going to leave something behind. Well, in fact, I am. I'm leaving 5 years of my life behind. I'm leaving friends, family, and everything I love about Reno and the Western United States.
With two days left in Reno I don't want to be packing and getting ready for this trek back to Bama, but instead I want to sit by the Truckee River with a Great White; eat at Creme, Sup, Beach Hut Deli, Deli Town, Scoopers, PubNSub, The Lil Nugget (Awful Awful..yum) and the list of restaurants go on; I want to go on the Ultimate Rush one more time; go dancing with all my girlfriends; go to one more rodeo; go snowboarding; float the river; cliff jumping; touch dry Nevada dirt; and most importantly I want more time with Cody.
I have so much to look forward to by moving to finish my last stretch of schooling before becoming a speech-language pathologist, but right now all that doesn't seem important. Right now I just want to enjoy my next two days in Reno :'(
Take care Reno! I will truly miss you and each day that I lived here.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Great food with Yummy friends

Last night I finally, which has been almost two weeks, got to hang out with my j2. Jessica and I had two episodes of The Bachelorette to watch last night (Due to copious amounts of wine we drank, we didn't get through all of them...or even one)-Anyway, I still hate Bentley with a passion and I am unable to give you a weekly update. BUT we did have some amazing food and drinks so I will give you a quick and easy dinner for a summer night.
Yummy Kabobs-
1 Red, Yellow, and Orange bell peppers
2 Red Onions
2 Portobello Mushrooms (or more if you love them like Jess and I do)
Minced garlic
Olive Oil
Optional: Chicken, Steak, Shrimp
-Chop all the veggies up into squares and put them in a large bowl with olive oil and tons of garlic. Mix everything up and make sure everything is coated in olive oil and garlic.
-Soak the wood skewers in water and then start putting the veggies on in an alternating order
-Season the chicken, beef, or shrimp to flavor or general know how. Bryan is an amazing "grill master" so he did the seasoning on the shrimp, beef, and chicken. I know he used butter for the shrimp and something a bit spicier for the beef.
-Put the meat and shrimp on the bbq first and when they have about 10 minutes left to cook put the veggies on.
We drank a cab from Trader Joe's called Velvet Moon-very yummy for 4.99 and then for dessert we had a variety of Nothing Bundt Cake's, which is a fabulous cake shop in Reno. The lemon and red velvet are my favorite! We drank Moscato with dessert, which was also from Trader Joe's and it was in the coolest bottle ever!
Jess and I had a lot of catching up to do, from my trip to Alabama to her trip to Oregon and the general updates of life. It was a great evening and I can't wait for RENO RODEO tonight. j2 will be in the JD tent having a blast for a second night in a row!!! I'm so lucky to have such a great friendship!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

What makes life worth it??

Yesterday was my last Saturday not working...unfortunately I cannot move home this summer and work my old (amazingly awesome) job at IDT. This is all because I have to work summer school for my speech practicum-which isn't paid :( and I am off track from my original job this Thursday. So I gotta make some cash during the summer to pay bills and to save up for my trek back to Bama (apparently that is what they call it-kinda like Nevada versus Nuhvahda).
Besides my boohooing about not having free weekends anymore, yesterday was grand! Started my morning off right with some homework (yeah not really grand, but I didn't procrastinate), got ready, went to World Market and met up with Jessica and got the coolest gift for our friend and previous roommate Tasha, went to Starbucks (love me some Venti, Iced Black Tea, with no syrup, and light ice), then went home...that was grand, but what really made my life worth it yesterday was...
Cody and I just click. The only bad thing about our relationship is that we can get emotional (kinda like the crazy kind-not sad) and we are impulsive (and this is not usually to our relationship benefit, unfortunately)...ANYWAY-we click, we love to do things together, we love to be silly together, aka we do the oompa loompa dance together, and generally have a comfort level for each other that I honestly have never felt with anybody else. When he wakes up in the middle of the night he will kiss my forehead, snuggle until he gets hot :), and in the morning joke with me that I stole all of his covers, even though he kicked them off. This love is true-intense sometimes, but true. With all that nonsense said, yesterday we went to BestBuy to use up the gift card Jessica got him for his birthday and the kid didn't want to get anything BUT
That's right...Eclipse the movie!!! He said all he wanted to do is watch me watch this movie-he thinks I make funny faces while watching movies, which I do tend to show a lot of different emotions while watching movies.
So luckily no guys read my blog and so he won't feel dethroned on the manhood for buying this movie, but it truly meant a lot. So what makes life worth it??? The simple things in life...with your favorite person. Of course we went to a fabulous birthday party after and when we got guessed it we watched ECLIPSE!!! Love Twilight!! Love my Wallis!! He truly makes my life worth it!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekly Update

So, if you have previously read...or not, I love abc's Bachelor and Bachelorette! This is the second week it was on and believe it or not my j2 has become my guilty pleasure sidekick (she's basically amazing!!) So with that said Ashley-who isn't my favorite bachelorette ever-has made some decisions on men!
Check out the following site to see who we are talking about if you would like:
There is this scum bag named Bentley...he makes our blood boil! He is probably the most disgusting person I have ever seen on television. Even if this show is as fake as Joan River's face, Bentley is a poor excuse of a man and I want to punch him! Anyway, Ashley gave him a rose in the last episode and I'm just waiting for him to tell her that he is a disgusting male.
Jessica and I are starting to favor the following guys:
Ames, Ben C., Ben F. (yummy wine maker), Blake (hottie dentist), Constantine (hate that name), J.P., Mickey, Nick, Ryan P., Stephen (even though she eliminated him), West, and William (until he got cocky because he got a rose).
I can't wait for next Monday, we watch it on Tuesdays to avoid commercials though. Plus we get to eat popcorn and have quality j2 time (I leave in 10 weeks :( but also :)-I'm so ready).
P.S. What is with the creeper JEFF!! The guy is wearing a mask???

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I got to hang out with my most wonderful friend yesterday. Jessica Orr, you make me smile! Thanks for always listening to me and being there for me during the tough times. I appreciate all you do woman! I can't wait for our trip to Alabama together!!
On a lighter note...I need to get to homework. Blogging has replaced my facebook procrastination. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend everyone! I'm going camping :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes!!
The new season of the Bachelor (ette) is on. Yep, you read correctly-this show is my guilty pleasure! Peace out Jersey Shore (which I've never watched) Bachelor (ette) is much better!! Hooray for this season starting because all of my favorite shows are ending this week with their finales. I will miss you Big Bang Theory, The Office, Parks and Recreation, NCIS, Modern Family, Cougar Town, etc.
Now if only Drop Dead Diva could reappear that would be the icing on the cake!! I need these shows after deleting my facebook to procrastinate...even though I deleted my facebook for procrastinating, I need these shows to help me procrastinate while doing homework :)
YAY! Bachelor(ette)!!! Highly recommend this guilty pleasure...especially on Hulu (less commercials). I would love to know if you like any of the particular guys this season!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Last night was girls night-Ohh how I love a great girls night!

We started the evening off at BJ's restaurant, which is always fabulous. We then went to the Riverside movie theater to watch one of the funniest movies of this year!! Hands down every female should watch this movie. It is seriously a female version of The Hangover, Due Date, etc. It is quotable, memorable, and crying your eyes out funny!! Here is the trailer for the movie, but it seriously does not do it justice-

This movie also reminds me a lot of my life, not necessarily with being a bridesmaid or the festivities in the movie, but in regards of friendship. It is very interesting how women are so competitive of one another. Anyway, I highly suggest everyone to watch this movie, it is AMAZING!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

j2 for life

My best friend, Jessica, and I have been through it all! For her birthday I created a little DVD reminder of our friendship and to get her (and most likely me) through the hard times of not being around each other all the time. Living with someone for FIVE years really does something to a friendship. They become more than a friend; they become whatever you need them to be. A mother, friend, sister, punching bag, etc. I have had my hair pulled back while I puked my guts out, I've had my back rubbed when I cried uncontrollably, I've had phone calls to make sure I'm awake while driving (I tend to fall asleep in the car...a lot) and to simply say that she is proud of me. She is my j2. WE ARE j2! Friendships don't get better than this.

Unfortunately I'm moving. I'm moving 2, 306 miles away from her. I'm moving by myself and I won't have her there. She is driving back with me on August 11th and that will be the most amazing best friend trip yet, but it will be the hardest to say good bye to. This video is just a glimmer of all our memories together and the ones to come, but I'm so proud of our friendship that I wanted to share it.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Final Week

It is Sunday and not only did I have an amazing weekend, but I have had an amazing past two years. Two years ago I was graduating from TMCC with my associates degree and I wanted to transfer to UNR's Speech-language Pathology program. I was working for Washoe County School District and I couldn't bring myself to quit my job, which was the only possibility in order to finish my education with UNR. So I looked for alternatives and discovered NSC, they had an SLP program online and I wouldn't have to quit my job.
Now with two years of balancing 15-22 credits a semester and working full-time, I am graduating!!! I am graduating this Saturday in Henderson and I am thrilled. I'm so thrilled that I seriously can't even think about doing homework. I have senioritis like it is nobodies business. I am ready to walk across the stage and have my friends and family there to celebrate with me. Thanks EVERYONE for all of your support throughout these years!! I love you guys!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

First Blog EVER!!!

I have literally always believed that "Blogs" are for women that are married. I swore that I would wait until I got married to blog about my sewing extravaganzas, wine tasting, vacations, cross stitching, my dog, dinners with the hubs, or the occasional melt down-BUT after watching Julie and Julia and also having a wonderful BESTIE that makes me confident in my life, I've decided that "I could write a blog! I have thoughts!"
Here I am writing my first blog and enjoying every second of it. I am not an English pro and I don't expect peeps to read it, but sometimes it is good to release what your brain is storing up in that noggin. God knows that I need a release between my busy schedule and juggling my hours in the day. So here is to BLOGGING-Cheers!