Wednesday, February 22, 2012

School versus Real World

I've tried to always blog about the positive things in my life, however blogging is my only outlet to vent and normally I would put a snide comment on Facebook and feel better, but because I go to school with 24 other individuals and some of those girls would rat me out to my professors, I've decided to blog about the real differences between school and the real world...
Professors (the bad ones) can treat you like you're stupid, lazy, worthless, and incompitant (which in my grad program is the death sentence) and they can give "blanket" comments to the entire class in order to make ONE person feel bad or to call them out on their shit AND you can't do one thing about it. As a student you are meant to sit in your chair and be their puppets. They tell you when to speak and when not to speak (Usually they want you to speak when they are tired of teaching the class and wants the entire class to pick up her slack and have a class discussion on a particular topic).
NOW, when you talk to "adults" they say "Yeah, in the real world you have to do things you don't want to do sometimes" or "Yeah, in the real world you will run into people/bosses like that and you will have to bite your tongue"
I, for one, DO NOT AGREE! If I'm being (or say the entire class is being) attacked for ERRONEOUS and PETTY attempts to make her feel better as a professor and to justify her tests or general mismanagement of the class I WILL CALL YOU OUT and I'm professional enough to identify the real problem at hand instead of ATTACKING or BLAMING someone or an entire class for her problem. I can also do this because....I PAY FOR MY EDUCATION! I don't get paid to go to school. In the REAL-WORLD I GET PAID TO DEAL WITH THAT TYPE OF BULL CRAP! In the real world, I have deadlines, workloads, and sometimes I will have to deal with not-so-pleasent people, but I GET PAID TO DEAL WITH THAT. And if my employer has a problem with me or what I'm doing, they will have a meeting with me in private. Instead of yelling at the us for skipping her class, which is her "blanket" comment, when in reality she is critizing the students that are in class and not the students are not in class. If a professor has a problem about their attendance you need to talk to the student privately because telling the entire class doesn't help when the said students are NOT EVEN IN THE FRICKIN CLASS.
And now because of my mouth and my inability to keep quiet when I believe in something, I have a meeting with my professor today. Yay me!
School and Real World are nothing alike. IN school you are not rewarded for any effort (and to me getting good grades are not a reward, they are a proof that you worked your ass off and the professor had nothing to do with it) and you are imidiately in trouble and treated like a child in preschool if you don't think the same way as the professor and if you voice your opinion (even thought we have to listen to theirs).